
Safetree puts workers safety first
Published Forestry Bulletin – 8 December 2014
Safetree, a new industry-led safety initiative co-funded by the Forest Owners Assocaition (FOA) and ACC is due to launch in early 2015.

Breaking the Profit Barrier
Published Forestry Bulletin – 24 June 2014
You Planted Your Trees 15 Years Ago. Now you are Locked In, With Nothing You can do to Increase Productivity or Profitability.
Right? Wrong.
R&D has a new face
Published Forestry Bulletin – 24 June 2014
The Introduction of a commodity levy means the way the forest growing industry funds research has changed.
This has coincided with changes to the way research is managed.
Forest Bug-Watch Revamp
Published Forestry Bulletin – 24 June 2014
The forest health surveillance (FHS) programme is being completely redesigned, with the new scheme expected to go live in mid-2016. Since 1 January 2014 the FHS has been wholly funded by the new commodity levy for the benefit of the whole industry. Previously it was funded by a voluntary levy paid by nearly all Forest Owners Association (FOA) members.